Mount Calvary Baptist Church


Ministry to young men 18 to 35 years of age
Armourbearers Ministry
Assists the Pastor and Wife in various tasks and assignments in a effort to make their burdens lighter in ministry.
Associate Ministers Ministry
Assists the Pastor in the work of the ministry while learning and developing their own gifts and talents by observing and receiving the teaching/training from the Pastor.
Ministry designed to minister to the needs of Young Adult Women ages 18-35. D.I.V.A.S. is a acronym for Divinely Inspired Victoriously Anointed Sisters.
Deacon Ministry
Appointed Men of the Church who assist the Pastor in various ministries to the congregation. The Deacon Ministry serves as a extension of Pastoral Care to the members of the Church.
Deaconess Ministry
Women of the congregation who assist the Pastor by assisting their Husbands who serve as Deacons. Deaconess Ministry also serves as a extension of Pastoral Care to the Women of the congregation.
Evangelism Ministry
A ministry designed to win lost souls to Christ. The work of the Evangelism Ministry is both within the Church Congregation as well as the community at large.
Greeters Ministry
A ministry designed to welcome members and visitors to the House of the Lord. Information is shared with first time visitors and the Greeters Ministry is prepared to assist in any other area of need as they arise.
Internet Ministry
A ministry designed to use the tools of technolgy to spread the Good News of the Gospel as well as promote and welcome others to fellowship with our congregation.
Marriage Ministry
A ministry designed to promote wholeness in marital relationships through teaching, training and fellowship of Married couples.
Media Ministry
The ministry of our church that uses Audio and Video recording and distribution to spread the Gospel of Christ.
Missions Ministry
Ministries that consist of our Mens Brotherhood, Senior Mission, and Mary Magdelen Mission Circle. Their work is to seek to meet the needs of people both within the congregation as well as outside through bible study and evangelism.
Mothers Board Ministry
Senior Women of the Church who assist the Pastor by serving as a extension of Pastoral Ministry towards all the women of the Church. Their work is characterized as seeking to serve as positive role models for the younger women.
Pastoral Intercessory Prayer Ministry
A Ministry of the church designated to lift up the Pastor and Wife at all times in prayer that the ministry that God has through them may have free course.
Praise Dance Ministry
Adult and Youth Praise Dancers who use creative means to offer worship and praise to God through movement and expression.
Senior Care Ministry
A ministry designed to minister to senior members and individuals in the church and community. Work is characterized by visitations, providing meals, as well as gifts on special days.
Singles Ministry
Ministry designed to meet the needs of those individuals who are not married or have become widowed. Needs are met through teaching, training and various types of fellowships.
Sunday Department Ministry
A ministry of the Church that emphasizes the teaching of God's Word. Our Sunday School is one of our most important tools in leading Christians towards a life of discipleship.
Trustees Ministry
A ministry designed to assist the Pastoral Minstry by caring for the temporal and physical affairs of the Church. The work is characterized by ensuring that the building and grounds always reflect the excellence of our God and are prepared for use as a place to assemble to offer God worship and praise.
Ushers Ministry
Assist membership and visitors in their arrival, seating, and needs as they arise in worship services.
Youth Ministry
The ministry of the Youth Department assists the Pastoral Ministry by planning and executing various types of programs and events that lead youth towards a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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